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Reducing Preassure Distillation vacuum system

Steam jet ejectors are the key items used for the Reducing Pressure Distillation System. After many years researching and developing. HEVC designed,fabricated and delivery steam jet ejectors for more than 20 petrochemical works and formed the product series applicable for different conditions. HEVC owned 80% shares of the domestic market of similar product due to the advantages of low consumption and high quality.

Reducing Preassure Distillation vacuum system


Почта: Sales@china-vacuum-pumps.com

Профессиональное производство вакуумных насосов Рутса, пластинчато-роторных насосов, роторно-поршневых насосов, жидкостно-кольцевых вакуумных насосов, безмасляных воздушных компрессоров, винтовых компрессоров, спиральных компрессоров, производителей и поставщиков.