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China wholesaler Analytical Field Piston Rocking Oilless Vacuum Pump vacuum pump engine

Описание товара

Medical Body fluid Analysis Equipment Small Oilless oil less oil free Rocking air Piston Vacuum Pump

Oil-less Vacuum Pumps / Air Compressors

PRANSCH oil-less rocking piston pump and air compressor combines the best characteristics of traditional piston pumps(air compressor) and diaphragm pumps into small units with excellent features.

  1. Light weight and very portable
  2. Durable and near ZERO maintenance
  3. Thermal protection (130 deg C)
  4. Power cord with plug, 1m length
  5. Shock mount
  6. Silencer – muffler
  7. Stainless steel vacuum and pressure gauge, both with oil damping
  8. Two stainless steel needle valves each with lock nut.
  9. All nickel plated fittings
  10. Power supply 230V, 50/60 Hz

Main application fields:
machines for pressotherapy, machines for dermabrasion, inhalation thermal therapies, money counting machines, silk screen printing machines, automatic feeder machines for book-binding, wood presses, suction lifting machines, pollutant sampling and analysis.


Model Frequency Flow Pressure Power Speed Current Voltage Heat Sound Weight Hole Installation Dimensions
Hz L/min Kpa Kw Min-1 A V 0 C db(A) Kg MM MM
PM200V 50 33 -84 0.10  1380 0.45  210/235 5-40 48 1.8  5 L100xW74
60 50 -84 0.12 1450 0.90  110/125 5-40 48 1.8  5
PM300V 50 66 -86 0.12 1380 0.56  210/235 5-40 50 3.2  6 L118xW70
60 75 -86 0.14 1450 1.13  110/125 5-40 50 3.2  6
PM400V 50 80 -92 0.32 1380 0.95  210/235 5-40 56 6.0  6 L153xW95
60 92 -92 0.36 1450 1.91  110/125 5-40 56 6.0  6
PM550V 50 100 -92 0.32 1380 1.50  210/235 5-40 56 6.0  6 L148xW83
60 110 -92 0.36 1450 3.10  110/125 5-40 56 6.0  6
PM1400V 50 166 -92 0.45 1380 1.90  210/235 5-40 58 8.5  6 L203xW86
60 183 -92 0.52 1450 4.10  110/125 5-40 58 8.5  6
PM2000V 50 216 -92 0.55 1380 2.50  210/235 5-40 60 9.0  6 L203xW86
60 250 -92 0.63 1450 5.20  110/125 5-40 60 9.0  6
HP2400V 50 225 -94 0.90  1380 3.30  210/235 5-40 75 17.0  7 L246xW127
60 258 -94 1.10  1450 6.90  110/125 5-40 75 17.0  7
PM3000V 50 230 -94 1.10  1380 4.20  210/235 5-40 76 17.5  7 L246xW127
60 266 -94 1.30  1450 8.50  110/125 5-40 76 17.5  7

Why use a Rocking Piston Product?

Pransch oilless Rocking Piston air compressors and vacuum pumps, available in single, twin, miniature, and tankmounted
styles, are the perfect choice for hundreds of applications. Choose from dual frequency, shaded pole,
and permanent split capacitor (psc) electric motors with AC multi-voltage motors to match North American,
European, and CHINAMFG power supplies. A complete line of recommended accessories as well as 6, 12, and
24 volt DC models in brush and brushless types are also available.

The rocking piston combines the best characteristics of piston and diaphragm air compressors into a small unit
with exceptional performance. Air flow capabilities from 3.4 LPM to 5.5 CFM (9.35 m3/h), pressure to 175 psi
(12.0 bar) and vacuum capabilities up to 29 inHg (31 mbar). Horsepowers range from 1/20 to 1/2 HP
(0.04 to 0.37 kW).

These pumps are made to stand up through years of use. The piston rod and bearing assembly are bonded
together, not clamped; they will not slip, loosen, or misalign to cause trouble.

Clean Air
Because CHINAMFG pumps are oil-free, they are ideal for use in applications in laboratories, hospitals, and the
food industry where oil mist contamination is undesirable.


  1. Transportation application include:Auto detailing Equipment,Braking Systems,Suspension Systems,Tire Inflators
  2. Food and Beverage application include:beverage dispensing,coffee and Espresso equipment,Food processing and packaging,Nitrogen Generation
  3. Medical and laboratory application include:Body fluid Analysis equipment,Dental compressors and hand tools,dental vacuum ovens,Dermatology equipment,eye surgery equipment,lab automation,Liposuction equipment,Medical aspiration,Nitrogen Generation,Oxygen concentrators,Vacuum Centrifuge,vacuum filtering,ventilators
  4. General industrial application include:Cable pressurization,core drilling
  5. Environmental application include:Dry sprinkler systems,Pond Aeration,Refrigerant Reclamation,Water Purification Systems
  6. Printing and packaging application include:vacuum frames
  7. material Handling application include:vacuum mixing


Нефть или не нефть: Без масла
Структура: Reciprocating Vacuum Pump
Метод эксгаустера: Positive Displacement Pump
Степень вакуума: High Vacuum
Work Function: Mainsuction Pump
Working Conditions: Dry


вакуумный насос

Как обслуживать и устранять неисправности вакуумных насосов?

Техническое обслуживание и устранение неисправностей вакуумных насосов необходимо для обеспечения их оптимальной производительности и долговечности. Вот подробное объяснение:

Обслуживание вакуумных насосов:

1. Регулярный осмотр: Регулярно проводите визуальный осмотр насоса на предмет наличия признаков повреждений, утечек или ненормального износа. Осмотрите двигатель, ремни, муфты и другие компоненты на предмет правильного выравнивания и состояния.

2. Смазка: Следуйте рекомендациям производителя по смазке. Некоторые вакуумные насосы требуют регулярной замены масла или смазки движущихся частей. Убедитесь, что используется правильный тип и количество смазочного материала.

3. Проверка уровня масла: Следите за уровнем масла в насосах с масляным уплотнением и поддерживайте его в рекомендуемом диапазоне. Добавляйте или заменяйте масло по мере необходимости, следуя инструкциям производителя.

4. Обслуживание фильтров: Регулярно очищайте или заменяйте фильтры, чтобы предотвратить их засорение и обеспечить надлежащий поток воздуха. Засоренные фильтры могут ухудшить работу насоса и увеличить потребление энергии.

5. Система охлаждения: Если вакуумный насос оснащен системой охлаждения, регулярно проверяйте ее на чистоту и исправность. При необходимости очищайте или заменяйте компоненты системы охлаждения, чтобы предотвратить перегрев.

6. Уплотнения и прокладки: Проверьте уплотнения и прокладки на наличие признаков износа или утечки. Незамедлительно замените все поврежденные или изношенные уплотнения, чтобы сохранить герметичность.

7. Обслуживание клапанов: Если вакуумный насос оснащен клапанами, регулярно осматривайте и чистите их, чтобы обеспечить правильную работу и предотвратить засорение.

8. Вибрация и шум: Следите за насосом на предмет чрезмерной вибрации или необычного шума, которые могут указывать на несоосность, износ подшипников или другие механические проблемы. Незамедлительно устраните эти проблемы, чтобы предотвратить дальнейшее повреждение.

Устранение неисправностей вакуумного насоса:

1. Недостаточный уровень вакуума: Если насос не достигает требуемого уровня вакуума, проверьте, нет ли утечек в системе, неправильного уплотнения или изношенных уплотнений. Осмотрите клапаны, соединения и уплотнения на предмет утечек и при необходимости отремонтируйте или замените их.

2. Низкая производительность: Если насос не обеспечивает достаточной производительности, проверьте, не засорились ли фильтры, нет ли недостаточной смазки или не износились ли детали. При необходимости очистите или замените фильтры, обеспечьте надлежащую смазку и замените изношенные детали.

3. Перегрев: Если насос перегревается, проверьте систему охлаждения на наличие засоров или недостаточного потока воздуха. Очистите или замените компоненты системы охлаждения и обеспечьте надлежащую вентиляцию вокруг насоса.

4. Чрезмерный шум или вибрация: Чрезмерный шум или вибрация могут указывать на несоосность, износ подшипников или другие механические проблемы. Осмотрите и отремонтируйте или замените поврежденные или изношенные детали. Обеспечьте правильное выравнивание и баланс вращающихся компонентов.

5. Проблемы с двигателем: Если двигатель насоса не запускается или работает нестабильно, проверьте источник питания, электрические соединения и компоненты двигателя. Проверьте двигатель с помощью соответствующего электротехнического оборудования и при необходимости обратитесь к электрику или специалисту по двигателям.

6. Чрезмерное потребление масла: Если насос потребляет масло с высокой скоростью, проверьте наличие утечек или других проблем, которые могут быть причиной потери масла. Осмотрите уплотнения, прокладки и соединения на предмет утечек и при необходимости выполните ремонт.

7. Ненормальные запахи: Необычные запахи, например запах гари, могут свидетельствовать о перегреве или других механических проблемах. Незамедлительно устраните проблему и при необходимости обратитесь к техническому специалисту.

8. Рекомендации производителя: Всегда обращайтесь к руководствам и рекомендациям производителя по техническому обслуживанию и устранению неисправностей, характерных для вашей модели вакуумного насоса. Следуйте предписанному графику технического обслуживания и при необходимости обращайтесь за профессиональной помощью.

Соблюдая надлежащие процедуры технического обслуживания и своевременно устраняя любые неполадки, вы сможете обеспечить надежную работу и долговечность вашего вакуумного насоса.

вакуумный насос

How Do Vacuum Pumps Contribute to Energy Savings?

Vacuum pumps play a significant role in energy savings in various industries and applications. Here’s a detailed explanation:

Vacuum pumps contribute to energy savings through several mechanisms and efficiencies. Some of the key ways in which vacuum pumps help conserve energy are:

1. Improved Process Efficiency: Vacuum pumps are often used to remove gases and create low-pressure or vacuum conditions in industrial processes. By reducing the pressure, vacuum pumps enable the removal of unwanted gases or vapors, improving the efficiency of the process. For example, in distillation or evaporation processes, vacuum pumps help lower the boiling points of liquids, allowing them to evaporate or distill at lower temperatures. This results in energy savings as less heat is required to achieve the desired separation or concentration.

2. Reduced Energy Consumption: Vacuum pumps are designed to operate efficiently and consume less energy compared to other types of equipment that perform similar functions. Modern vacuum pump designs incorporate advanced technologies, such as variable speed drives, energy-efficient motors, and optimized control systems. These features allow vacuum pumps to adjust their operation based on demand, reducing energy consumption during periods of lower process requirements. By consuming less energy, vacuum pumps contribute to overall energy savings in industrial operations.

3. Leak Detection and Reduction: Vacuum pumps are often used in leak detection processes to identify and locate leaks in systems or equipment. By creating a vacuum or low-pressure environment, vacuum pumps can assess the integrity of a system and identify any sources of leakage. Detecting and repairing leaks promptly helps prevent energy wastage associated with the loss of pressurized fluids or gases. By addressing leaks, vacuum pumps assist in reducing energy losses and improving the overall energy efficiency of the system.

4. Energy Recovery Systems: In some applications, vacuum pumps can be integrated into energy recovery systems. For instance, in certain manufacturing processes, the exhaust gases from vacuum pumps may contain heat or have the potential for energy recovery. By utilizing heat exchangers or other heat recovery systems, the thermal energy from the exhaust gases can be captured and reused to preheat incoming fluids or provide heat to other parts of the process. This energy recovery approach further enhances the overall energy efficiency by utilizing waste heat that would otherwise be lost.

5. System Optimization and Control: Vacuum pumps are often integrated into centralized vacuum systems that serve multiple processes or equipment. These systems allow for better control, monitoring, and optimization of the vacuum generation and distribution. By centralizing the vacuum production and employing intelligent control strategies, energy consumption can be optimized based on the specific process requirements. This ensures that vacuum pumps operate at the most efficient levels, resulting in energy savings.

6. Maintenance and Service: Proper maintenance and regular servicing of vacuum pumps are essential for their optimal performance and energy efficiency. Routine maintenance includes tasks such as cleaning, lubrication, and inspection of pump components. Well-maintained pumps operate more efficiently, reducing energy consumption. Additionally, prompt repair of any faulty parts or addressing performance issues helps maintain the pump’s efficiency and prevents energy waste.

In summary, vacuum pumps contribute to energy savings through improved process efficiency, reduced energy consumption, leak detection and reduction, integration with energy recovery systems, system optimization and control, as well as proper maintenance and service. By utilizing vacuum pumps efficiently and effectively, industries can minimize energy waste, optimize energy usage, and achieve significant energy savings in various applications and processes.

вакуумный насос

How Do You Choose the Right Size Vacuum Pump for a Specific Application?

Choosing the right size vacuum pump for a specific application involves considering several factors to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Here’s a detailed explanation:

1. Required Vacuum Level: The first consideration is the desired vacuum level for your application. Different applications have varying vacuum level requirements, ranging from low vacuum to high vacuum or even ultra-high vacuum. Determine the specific vacuum level needed, such as microns of mercury (mmHg) or pascals (Pa), and choose a vacuum pump capable of achieving and maintaining that level.

2. Pumping Speed: The pumping speed, also known as the displacement or flow rate, is the volume of gas a vacuum pump can remove from a system per unit of time. It is typically expressed in liters per second (L/s) or cubic feet per minute (CFM). Consider the required pumping speed for your application, which depends on factors such as the volume of the system, the gas load, and the desired evacuation time.

3. Gas Load and Composition: The type and composition of the gas or vapor being pumped play a significant role in selecting the right vacuum pump. Different pumps have varying capabilities and compatibilities with specific gases. Some pumps may be suitable for pumping only non-reactive gases, while others can handle corrosive gases or vapors. Consider the gas load and its potential impact on the pump’s performance and materials of construction.

4. Backing Pump Requirements: In some applications, a vacuum pump may require a backing pump to reach and maintain the desired vacuum level. A backing pump provides a rough vacuum, which is then further processed by the primary vacuum pump. Consider whether your application requires a backing pump and ensure compatibility and proper sizing between the primary pump and the backing pump.

5. System Leakage: Evaluate the potential leakage in your system. If your system has significant leakage, you may need a vacuum pump with a higher pumping speed to compensate for the continuous influx of gas. Additionally, consider the impact of leakage on the required vacuum level and the pump’s ability to maintain it.

6. Power Requirements and Operating Cost: Consider the power requirements of the vacuum pump and ensure that your facility can provide the necessary electrical supply. Additionally, assess the operating cost, including energy consumption and maintenance requirements, to choose a pump that aligns with your budget and operational considerations.

7. Size and Space Constraints: Take into account the physical size of the vacuum pump and whether it can fit within the available space in your facility. Consider factors such as pump dimensions, weight, and the need for any additional accessories or support equipment.

8. Manufacturer’s Recommendations and Expert Advice: Consult the manufacturer’s specifications, guidelines, and recommendations for selecting the right pump for your specific application. Additionally, seek expert advice from vacuum pump specialists or engineers who can provide insights based on their experience and knowledge.

By considering these factors and evaluating the specific requirements of your application, you can select the right size vacuum pump that meets the desired vacuum level, pumping speed, gas compatibility, and other essential criteria. Choosing the appropriate vacuum pump ensures efficient operation, optimal performance, and longevity for your application.

China wholesaler Analytical Field Piston Rocking Oilless Vacuum Pump   vacuum pump engine	China wholesaler Analytical Field Piston Rocking Oilless Vacuum Pump   vacuum pump engine
editor by CX 2023-12-08

Почта: Sales@china-vacuum-pumps.com

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